osu! Tournament information

This is a list of all tournaments that I am currently participating...

Tournament Time frame Role Status
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Streaming information

I'm streaming osu! matches from Friday 19UTC - 20UTC, Saturday 18UTC - 20UTC and Sunday 18UTC - 20UTC. Mondays are typically meant for showcase streams (19UTC - 20UTC) but sometimes can also be matches. In extreme cases I can also stream midweek. Times are basically time spans (I can start streaming at 20UTC etc.)

Disclaimer: I have the right to change the schedule above at my own will. If I am unable to stream matches, I let the host know and cancel the stream accordingly.

If you have a Twitch channel, please send me the stream key of that channel and add me as a Moderator.


Showcases will be occurring on Mondays from 19UTC until 20UTC (that's the time span). For the successful showcase, I need:

  • Mappool beatmaps along with the replay file associated with it (preferably in a zip file). Please send that AT LEAST 1-2 DAYS BEFORE!
  • At least one commentator (I can commentate as well)
  • Graphical  overlay for the stream (for the osu! client, if you can, for OBS too, not necessary)
  • Skin (if there's none, I'll select one from my collection)


I'll prepare the client and stream stuff 15mins before the match, commentators should join the VC at least 10mins before the match to set up the audio. The referee hosting the lobby should add me as a referee, so the client can read the lobby info (!mp addref MtkoGaming). I'll have the lobby chat opened up as well but rarely would need that (I'll let the referee know...)

My capabilities

I am able to stream matches in 1280x720 (720p on Twitch) with a maximum of 8 clients (4v4), this is because my PC cannot run more than 8 clients and run a stream at the same time (even though the stream is completely handled by another PC). If you have the solution for optimizing clients, please let me know (Discord: mtko)!

I am streaming osu! matches at my own will and voluntarily and am trying my best to provide the best content possible. If you want to support me into continuing this, a small donation will do the best!